
All of my digital illustration pieces from the last year.
Digital illustration

When I started design school, I absolutely hated Illustrator.

Oh my goodness. It was a daily battle. I'd get to the design lab, sit in front of the computer and dread opening Adobe Illustrator. I really, really struggled with the program. I don't even want to tell you how many hours I spent wrestling with the pen tool. After one partcualy agrigous day in class, I approached one of my favorite professors and told him point blank: "I fudging hate Illustrator." The dude laughed at me, and retorted, "You're going to be singing a different song really soon." And I hate to say it, but he was right. Something happened one day, and it just clicked. I made the pen tool my bish. And I made all of these pretty cool illustrations in Illustrator too. If only my professor could see me now! 

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