WERA Coffee Company

For this project, we were asked to design a logo, branding, and package for a coffee company that aimed at college-age women.
Brand Design Product Design Graphic Design

If I ever started my own coffee brand, Wera would definitely be it.

Fun fact: I didn't start drinking coffee until I started my college job at Starbucks. My parents never drank coffee, and none of my friends too. I really didn't reach for a cup until I started my Barista training. And oh my LORD did it change me. For the first time in my life, I was caffeinated. 5 AM suddenly became a lot less bleak, and I could actually focus on getting my schoolwork done. It was magical.

Imagine my excitement when we were asked to design branding for a coffee company! Literally never wanted to do schoolwork so badly in my life. So, let's walk through my design decisions for this brand.

Let's be honest. There's nothing fun and flirty on shelves right now.

I wanted to do was create a brand that was really, really attractive to college age women. Something with bright colors and patterns, a statement piece. So, I created Wera. I came up with the tagline "We r good fun", and thought it would be super cute to combine the "we r" into Wera.

I also designed some cute, floral and chunky icons for the packaging, dreamed up some adorable 70's themed color schemes, and voila! Wera was born. You can check out the mockups below!

We are good fun.

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